IRANGHC Activities

Respectfully, we would like to inform you that the Iran global Healthcare Association is composed of representatives from all sectors related to health tourism. It includes 60 active members consisting of private hospitals licensed for IPD (International Patients Department) throughout the country, as well as 20 top-ranked hospitals within the framework of the Private Hospital Club. Additionally, there are approximately 30 members from health tourism companies and travel agencies active in this field, and 5 members from city and village developers of international health facilities. The Iran global Healthcare Association acts as the executive arm of the esteemed Council for the Management of Health Tourism in Iran. It is the only official professional organization active in this field and has been operating since 2011, licensed by the Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines, and Agriculture, and approved by the Council for the Management of Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts, and Tourism in 2018.

Association’s Actions:

  • Introducing the association following the collaboration protocol between the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health of Afghanistan.
  • Hosting 11 Afghan physicians to undergo specialized medical courses in Iran, with official permission from the Ministry of Health of Iran. The aim is for these medical tourists to choose Iran as one of their target markets for health tourism in the future.
  •  Sending 12 physicians to Turkey to participate in professional courses in physical therapy and hydrotherapy.
  •  Signing a memorandum of understanding and strengthening bilateral cooperation with international organizations and platforms in health tourism, such as the International Medical Travel Journal (, which is recognized as the first and most reputable health tourism platform in the world. The association aims to promote the country’s healthcare and treatment capacities on this platform.
  •  Initiating the operational activities of the first Health Village and International Medical Services Center in Saqqezchi, Ardabil Province, in collaboration with the Ardabil Provincial Government. The first phase of this project, which involves hospital members and participating companies, covers an area of 60 hectares with a built-up area of 180,000 square meters and an investment volume of 1,100 billion tomans.
  •  Developing and compiling the first guide and directory for health tourism in Iran.
  • Successfully managing and implementing the second International Health Tourism Exhibition and Conference for member countries of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO). The event received positive feedback at the national and international levels and was praised and encouraged by Mr. Shafiei, the honorable president of the Iranian Chamber of Commerce. The association also served as the executive committee for the scientific committee of the Health Tourism Exhibition and Conference in Ramsar, where it demonstrated commendable performance.
  •  Participating in the delegation accompanying Dr. Zarif, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, during his visit to Iraq, which is a target market, and introducing the association and its members as the arm responsible for organizing health tourism in that country.
  •  Participating in the delegation accompanying the honorable President of Iran during his visit to Iraq and engaging in discussions with health attachés, ambassadors, consuls, officials from the Ministry of Health and Tourism of Iraq, as well as negotiations with international organizations, associations, and companies active in the field of health tourism. The aim is to facilitate collaboration between association members and the target market of Iraq.
  •  Establishing the first active Private Hospitals Club in the field of health tourism in the country and participating in domestic and international exhibitions with the club’s cooperation to promote the country’s medical capacities (such as Iran Health Exhibition, Oman Health Exhibition, International Tourism and Related Industries Exhibition, etc.).
  •  Hosting a delegation from the Ministry of Health of Oman for a 2-day visit to explore the medical and healthcare capacities of the country.
  •  Holding multiple meetings with Omani health officials, including Dr. Sultan Al Busaidi (Advisor to the Minister of Health of Oman) and Dr. Sultan Al Harthi (Director-General of the Office of External Medical Services, Ministry of Health, Oman), with the aim of facilitating the transfer of patients from Oman to international patient-receiving hospitals in Iran (IPD).
  •  Membership of 60 hospitals and 30 active companies and startups in the field of health tourism.
  •  Preventing parallel and repetitive activities in the development and organization of national health tourism.
  • Facilitation and utilization of the capacity of the Cooperative Fund and the Welfare Organization of the Medical System Organization in the field of investment in health tourism infrastructure projects (the agreement of the fund with the governorate in the form of establishing the international health tourism center in Saghezchi Ardabil, which the International Health Services Association supervises the implementation of the project)
  • Planning for the presence of 11 Afghan doctors to attend medical training courses in the country with the aim of strengthening medical and therapeutic relations between the two countries, which was scheduled for their appointment on Saturday, 24/01/98, following the cooperation agreement signed between Mr. Dr. Jahanigiri and Dr. Nafar, Deputy of Medical Sciences, Islamic Azad University.
  •  Planning for the dispatch of 17 Iranian doctors with various specialties based on the announced requirements from the Ministry of Health of Oman, in collaboration with the International Deputy of the Ministry of Health, to visit and assess the medical situation and strengthen medical and therapeutic relations between the two countries.
  • Organizing the first and second Health Tourism Summit of ECO member countries (ECO) with the focus on the distinguished chamber of Iran and the chambers of Mazandaran and Ardabil at the international level.
  •  Participation in international and regional exhibitions and conferences in countries such as Oman, Azerbaijan, Iraq, etc., and domestic exhibitions in Iran Health, Tehran International Tourism Exhibitions (94, 95, 96), Shiraz International Tourism Exhibition (97), etc.
  •  Holding specialized sessions and panels on health tourism with the active participation of stakeholders in this field to examine and analyze the challenges and constraints of entering regional markets.
  •  Developing and preparing a program for issuing quality certificates for the quality and training of health tourism business operators, which is available on the official website of the association.
  •  Supporting health tourism startups.
  • Designing specialized portals for health tourism between Iran and Oman, and Iran and Iraq.
  •  Activating the Tourism and Health Commission of the Joint Chamber of Iran and Iraq.
  •  Collaboration in organizing 17 training courses for health tourism operators with the focus of the Ministry of Health.
  • Following up on commercial incentives through the Trade Development Organization and receiving support for holding international and domestic exhibitions.
  • Efforts to utilize the capacity of legal incentives in the development of health tourism investments.

The association’s website has been thoroughly studied and developed by an experienced team of specialists, based on keywords, important content, and Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for the development of international health services and the current needs of health tourism operators in the country. It is bilingual (Persian-English) and has been updated and upgraded with new sections, structures, and menus. In the design and production of the content of this website, some programs and tasks assigned to the association, such as preparing and editing the pricing guide and tariffs for health tourism services in the country and the health tourism guide (in accordance with the decision of the Council dated 19/8/97), have been operationalized. The website is still in progress and evolving. The necessary content has been prepared and edited in Persian and English according to the structure of the website. The website consists of three main sections: 1. For hospitals and clinics, 2. For international patients, and 3. For facilitating companies

The following important content is presented in the new version of the website:

  1.  Development of the first quick guide to medical tourism in Iran for international patients, available on the official website of the association as a bilingual guide (Iran health tourism quick guide).
  2.  Development of the first quick guide to pricing medical tourism services in Iran for hospitals and facilitator companies, available on the official website of the association as a bilingual guide (Iran medical tourism services prices quick guide).
  3. Development of a quick guide to the medical tourism cycle for hospitals and clinics, which is the first of its kind in the country and is available on the official website of the association as a bilingual guide (quick guide for Iran medical tourism cycle).
  4.  Guidelines for hospitals and Iranian companies in dealing with international patients (guidelines in Dealing with International Patients).
  5.  Step-by-step guide to launching health tourism startups (Step-by-step Guide to Medical Travel).
  6. Step-by-step guide to medical tourism for companies and facilitators (Medical Tourism Cycle guide).
  7. Ongoing programs and projects of the association.
  8.  Medical travel requirements for international patients (Medical Travel Requirements in Iran).

And there are other practical sections for this field.